Audi 80/90/Coupe

Since 1986-1991 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/90/Coupe
- 1.2. Car identification
   1. The maintenance instruction
   1.3. An arrangement of identification tablets
   1.4. The panel of devices
   + 1.5. Car service
   + 1.6. Independent service of the car
   + 1.7. Specifications
   1.8. Capacities
   1.9. The sizes
   1.10. Loadings
   1.11. The schedule of preventive servicing / of greasing of the car
+ 2. Engines, carburettors
3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. An exhaust system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets, wheels
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A steering
+ 12. A body, salon
+ 13. A central air
+ 14. An electric equipment

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1.1. A honey flank

Old man Diogen lived in a flank. Then to this a flank have attached wheels, and car Audi-80/90 has turned out... Jokes All it, of course. At the same time folklore nicknames of cars neatly reflect their essence. ЗАЗ-965 – "humpbacked", VAZ-2108 – "chisel", Opel-Kadett E – "exaggerated"...

From "a flank" word blows as reliability. And though today many cars have faceless roundish forms of a body, "flank" is only Audi-80 in 44th body.

In Germany Audi-80 was considered basically as "ladies'". More often it was the second car intended for daily travelling on family affairs – shop, a hairdressing salon, to take away the child from school. Went by it and it is simple the young men who just finished college and have started out an independent life. To go by old "Golf" not so prestigiously, and on more solid model yet have not earned. Both in that and in other case owners not strongly "forced" the cars, and the majority second-hand Aуди, straight got to us in the country, looks rather and rather attractively.

Interesting situation – in our country owners Audi-80 on a style of life in many respects are similar to the first owners of the car. Among them it is possible to meet the succeeding journalist beginning the businessman and the girlfriend of a life of the banker of an average hand. Any, whose ambitions allow to look scornfully at production of domestic car industry, but material possibilities are yet boundless.

For many of them, young and zealous, Aуди – the first serious car after "Zhigulis" and a suitable occasion to "come off" at the full capacity on road. These cars quickly start from traffic lights (a forward drive!) and easily squeeze out on a line of 140 km/h. Rather small sizes, the hydraulic booster of a wheel and good приемистость allow to manoeuvre dashing enough in a close city stream if ability and nerves suffices. Therefore "Autopilot" recommends to get a motor vehicle "without run across the CIS" if you have unequivocally stopped the choice on "flank".

Among the basic competitors Audi-80 in the market not new cars it is possible to consider Mersedes-190, Ford-Skorpio and a Volkswagen-trade wind. Money approximately the same. The age difference will make no more than two years in this or that party – for a second-hand car "with a name" it not essentially.

A few losing to "Mercedes" with имиджевой the points of view, Audi-80 it is considered more sports, rather than a Volkswagen, and more prestigious, than Skorpio. It – as buffet from mahogany in a drawing room: modestly, but with taste. The solid and unpretentious car for daily trips on a city.

Personally I very much like salon Audi. Even more than deliberately ascetic salon Mersedes-190. It is In personal "table of ranks" at once behind BMW salon. First, all is very functional and продуманно, secondly, simply beautifully and elegantly. The special distinctive feature – an abundance of shelves and the glove compartments, allowing to carry with itself weight of the useful trifles occupying on volume half of a luggage carrier of "Zhigulis".

If to spend for searches of the necessary car it is a bit more than time and means it is possible to get a copy with the complete set of additional "options" – the electric hatch, glass, heating of seats. In sense of maintenance of comfort Aуди always was among leaders.

To get Audi-80 through official dealers to you hardly probable it will be possible. There are two variants – or to overtake the car from the Western Europe independently, or to search for it under announcements and among acquaintances. It is possible to address also to services of professional "driver" of second-hand cars. In this case the price increases approximately on $500 depending on a route of delivery of the car to your entrance.

Among automobile owners mark Aуди is well-known first of all for the anticorrosive processing. Really, zinced body shows surprising firmness in our climate. A natural way these cars rust seldom. But any medal has an underside – if the car was exposed difficult кузовному to repair in handicraft conditions and welding places have not been processed properly corrosion process goes in these parts with frightening speed and can extend on all body. At a car choice it is recommended to pay for this special attention.

Many owners are involved also with availability of service and relative cheapness of spare parts which can be got both in firm shops, and under announcements through specialised editions. On an operational experience of one of the Moscow firms, engaged diagnostics and repair of various units in cars Audi, the list of the most widespread problems with which owners of 80th model address on service, looks as follows: malfunction of system of electronic injection of fuel, replacement of forward shock-absorbers, replacement of steering tips, malfunction of the pump of system of cooling of the engine – in "pomp" popular speech, replacement of the electric gauge of inclusion of the fan, coupling replacement.

Mechanics of this firm consider that the reason of failure of system of injection is bad quality of domestic gasoline and recommend to all owners to use special additives to the fuel, increasing OCTANESое number. Otherwise replacement of injectors and full diagnostics of the engine will rise in $150-200. As to forward shock-absorbers and tips of steering draughts cost only works on their replacement will manage to owner Aуди in $150-250.

And at last a case from a life. One acquaintance has got couple of months ago Aуди 80. Together with car from the first owner it managed an array of problems – "the beating" rubber, badly adjusted engine, "a knocking" suspension bracket. Good intentions to result the car in a normal kind already long break about chronic laziness. And the car goes to itself and goes. And all wash the friend recollects less often that "well on service to go..." Strong and patient all the same the car – Audi-80.

Cost of spare parts and account materials:

 – Brake Pads – from $30

 – Shock-absorbers lobbies – $120

 – A headlight in gathering (Hella) – $170

 – A gasoline pump (Bosch) – $135

 – The filter fuel – about $30

 – The filter air – about $20

 – The pump of system of cooling – from $50

 – The complete set from 4 candles Сhampion – $12.

The autopilot